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A Study on the Provision of Hanok in the Residential Zone of Limited Development District
Shin, Chihoo Associate Research Fellow Jin, Hyunyoung Assistant Research Fellow
  • AURI-Provisional-2012-2
  • 2012.12.31
  • 176Page
  • Hit 824
Summary For management of residential area which has been excluded from lifting the limited development district (LDD), the policies related with the residential zone have been set up. The residential zone policy aims to solve problems of existing houses such as disordered removing and reconstruction, to improve residential environment, and to establish a long term management system in the limited development district providing maintenance and support services. Basically, establishment as 'residential zone' provides opportunities to maintain infrastructure and install local amenities; but it does not work well in a current situation. Thus inhabitants in the residential zone still have difficulties in their lives and works. Additionally, new construction of houses in the residential zone has changed not only landscape of limited development district, but also the atmosphere of the villages causing disharmony and comparative
deprivation among inhabitants.
In the residential zone, there are many Hanoks. However, some of them are very old and inconvenient for dwelling, which are remained without repair due to cost implications. To make better living condition of residents, and to preserve the natural landscape of the limited development district, it is necessary to seek ways to build new Hanoks as well as to preserve existing Hanoks.
This study aims to preserve the existing Hanoks in the residential zone of limited development district and make a plan to provide new Hanoks. For this purpose, it is necessary to examine the act on special establishment and management of limited development district which has hindered provision of Hanok, and to analyze current supporting policies and implementation of providing Hanok of government, local governments and private organizations, and finally to provide supporting plans considering financial burdens of building and maintaining Hanoks.

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